Utensil equipment

1. Pancake Pan

~Function: For make crepe or pancake
                                                   ~Made by: Stainless stell
                                                   ~How to cleaning: uses water and little soap

             2. Souffle dish

 ~Function: as wade pemanggang souffle
                                                  ~Made by: Ceramic 
                                                  ~How to cleaning: uses clean water and little soap.


 ~Function: alat for mengoles butter or margarin on loyang kue
                                ~Made by: plastic or wooden
                                ~How to cleaning: clean water and soap
1.Hot Food Table

~Function: For saved foods mating before disajikan in restaurant
~Heat source: with sistem pemanas (gas or listrik)
How to cleaning: Lap agak basah and than lap kering

  2. Range Top

~Function: For cooked combination with oven
~Heat source: alat masa with head source yang dihasilkan from gas and listrik
~How to cleaning: Lap basah and lap kering
3.Refrigerated Pastry Case

~Function: is lemari pendingin, khusus peragaan produk or foods for sale
~How to cleaning: mengeluarkan alat yang ada di dalam then couch with soap and lap kering 


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